Pdf File Upload In Joomla Template

Our Latest Template RSSalma! 3 support PHP 7 support 12 months of support & downloads. You can only upload one file with a File Upload component, but you can have an unlimited number of these components in a form. This can also be used with the PDF Plugin, you can add the value of your file Upload Fields in the PDF.

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Templates are a way your small business can save time. When you have documents that you use frequently, such as presentations, minutes, forms and expense reports, you can create them with a template that is already pre-formatted to your specifications. A template also gives your documents a uniform look that can be modified to accommodate your specific needs. Sometimes you may have a PDF document that features a format you wish to use more than once. You can convert it to a Word template so you can use this design as often as necessary.


Convert the PDF to a Word document with Adobe Acrobat. Open the PDF form in Adobe Acrobat. Go to “File,” then “Save As” and then choose a DOC or DOCX extension.


Load the PDF form into an online PDF to DOC converter, if you do not have Adobe Acrobat. Nitro PDF offers a free online converter that emails the file to you. PDF to Word and Convert PDF to Word allow you to download the file without the use of an email


Convert the Word document to a template, which has a DOT or DOTX extension. Open the DOC or DOCX file in Microsoft Word. Go to “File,” then “Save As” and then choose “Document Template.” Alternatively, perform the conversion by loading the file into a Word to DOT or DOTX converter, such as the ConvertOnlineFree website.

References (2)

Resources (3)

About the Author

Kim Lewis is a professional programmer and web developer. She has been a technical writer for more than 10 years and has written articles for businesses and the federal government. Lewis holds a Bachelor of Science, and occasionally teaches classes on how to program for the Internet.

Photo Credits

  • laptop 9 image by Harvey Hudson from Fotolia.com
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Lewis, Kim. 'How to Convert a PDF Form to a Word Template.' Small Business - Chron.com, http://smallbusiness.chron.com/convert-pdf-form-word-template-46958.html. Accessed 09 September 2019.
Lewis, Kim. (n.d.). How to Convert a PDF Form to a Word Template. Small Business - Chron.com. Retrieved from http://smallbusiness.chron.com/convert-pdf-form-word-template-46958.html
Lewis, Kim. 'How to Convert a PDF Form to a Word Template' accessed September 09, 2019. http://smallbusiness.chron.com/convert-pdf-form-word-template-46958.html
Note: Depending on which text editor you're pasting into, you might have to add the italics to the site name.
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Did you know that you can embed PDF files in content just like you put flash and other media? Well, this plugin from Techjoomla does exactly that - it allows you to embed PDF files in your content.

You can load an external PDF file in your content very easily using this plugin.
1. Google Viewer Support: This feature is offered by Google Docs. With this you can embed PDF files in a web page. And, the pretty part is - you don't have to be upload PDF files to Google Docs, but those files need to be available online somewhere.

  1. PDF.js Support: It is a community-driven Portable Document Format (PDF) viewer that is built with HTML5 and supported by Mozilla Labs. It is a general-purpose, web standards-based platform for parsing and rendering PDFs.

  2. Editor button plugin for embedding PDF files quickly using PDF Embed plugin.

For our other extensions, visit our Techjoomla website.

PDF Embed


File Upload Template Html


How To Pdf File Upload In Facebook

Last updated:
Oct 10 2018
Date added:
Nov 19 2014
GPLv2 or later
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