Facebook Password Hack Using Html Code

How do I hack a Facebook account by using HTML codes? Update Cancel. How do I crack a Facebook password? I want to learn to hack like the greats.

Value of
<input type='>
What does HTML Code Explained For Newbies do?
Displays an obfuscated password entry field.


  • 1 Code Example
  • What is Facebook HTML hack code? No You can't hack a Facebook account With HTML because it is Just a. Is it possible to hack Facebook account password through.
  • Password hacker. Html code fb account. Facebook password hack. Member 11235765 14-Nov-14 23:32. Member 11235765.

Code Example

The password value of the input attribute displays a field where the user can type a password into a form. It's important to note that this field obfuscates the characters that are typed in, so that passers by cannot read the characters on-screen. However, this doesn't apply any encryption when the data is actually sent, so don't rely on a password field to actually secure the data. Obfuscated characters are displayed differently in different browsers. In most cases, they will be replaced with circular bullets, or asterisks.

Restricting Data in Password Fields

The password value of input is rarely used solo. You'll normally want to specify additional attributes to constrain the data that is entered. We've covered these attributes elsewhere, so the section that follows is a brief summary. It's likely that your database is set to accept a maximum length for the password. To avoid problems with saving passwords, or logging in, it's good practice to specify a maxlength for the field that corresponds with the setting in your database. Likewise, you can specify a minlength, if your script requires it. Setting a defaultvalue will pre-fill the password field with the value you specify. Likewise, setting the autocomplete attribute will result in any pre-saved value to be entered into the field automatically. Using readonly will prevent the password from being edited. To enforce password rules, use the pattern attribute.

Browser Support for password

All values of type

Value nameNotes
buttonDefines a button-like input.
checkboxDefines a checkbox, which the user can toggle on or off.
fileDefines a file upload box with a browse button.
hiddenDefines a field within a form that is not visible to the user.
imageDefines an image that is clicked to submit a form.
passwordDisplays an obfuscated password entry field.
radioDefines a circular selection button in a form.
resetDefines a button on a form that will return all fields to their default values.
submitDefines a button that is clicked to submit a form.
textDefines a text entry field in a form.

All attributes of input

Attribute nameValuesNotes
stepSpecifies the interval between valid values in a number-based input.
requiredSpecifies that the input field is required; disallows form submission and alerts the user if the required field is empty.
readonlyDisallows the user from editing the value of the input.
placeholderSpecifies placeholder text in a text-based input.
patternSpecifies a regular expression against which to validate the value of the input.
multipleAllows the user to enter multiple values into a file upload or email input.
minSpecifies a minimum value for number and date input fields.
maxSpecifies a maximum value for number and date input fields.
listSpecifies the id of a <datalist> element which provides a list of autocomplete suggestions for the input field.
heightSpecifies the height of an image input.
formtargetSpecifies the browsing context in which to open the response from the server after form submission. For use only on input types of 'submit' or 'image'.
formmethodSpecifies the HTTP method (GET or POST) to be used when the form data is submitted to the server. Only for use on input types of 'submit' or 'image'.
formenctypeSpecifies how form data should be submitted to the server. Only for use on input types 'submit' and 'image'.
formactionSpecifies the URL for form submission. Can only be used for type='submit' and type='image'.
formSpecifies a form to which the input field belongs.
autofocusSpecifies that the input field should be in focus immediately upon page load.
accesskeyDefines a keyboard shortcut for the element.
autocompleteSpecifies whether the browser should attempt to automatically complete the input based on user inputs to similar fields.
borderWas used to specify a border on an input. Deprecated. Use CSS instead.
checkedSpecifies whether a checkbox or radio button form input should be checked by default.
disabledDisables the input field.
maxlengthSpecifies the maximum number of characters that can be entered in a text-type input.
languageWas used to indicate the scripting language used for events triggered by the input.
nameSpecifies the name of an input element. The name and value of each input element are included in the HTTP request when the form is submitted.
sizeSpecifies the width of the input in characters.
srcDefines the source URL for an image input.
Defines the input type.
valueDefines an initial value or default selection for an input field.
17 Sep 2006CPOL
Facebook password hack using html code 2016
A simple BHO to retrieve the user ID and password.


LoginMgr is developed as a browser helper object (BHO). New instances of Internet Explorer and Windows Explorer load a BHO at the time of start. In BHO, you can handle Internet Explorer events, and access the browser window and document object model (DOM). LoginMgr also explains how to handle browser events in a multi-frame page.



Have you ever used any password manager and auto form filler software? AI RoboForm is the oldest and the best in the industry. The latest version of Firefox and Netscape also support this by Passcard. Imagine developing a software that can retrieve the user ID and password! To achieve the above, I needed to develop an Internet Explorer plug-in or BHO. There are many articles on how to develop a BHO using ATL, so I would skip this and focus on how to handle events and access DOM to retrieve user ID and password. The basic question that comes in mind is how we can detect that a given page is a login page. If you get an answer to this, you can do the rest. After some experiments, I found that we should try to retrieve the password of a page only if it has at least one input field of type 'password'. Another important thing is that most login pages have only one object of type <INPUT TYPE=TEXT> and only one object of type <INPUT TYPE=PASWWORD>.

How to retrieve user ID and password

When the browser completes downloading a page, it sends an event DISPID_DOCUMENTCOMPLETE. Here, we should check if a page is a login page. To detect this, you have to search through all the elements in the document object and find out if there is any element that's of type 'password'. If you find one, we are almost sure that this is a login page.

Connecting to <FORM> events

If a page has a password field, then you'll be interested in getting the user ID and password.

Once you determine the target page, all you've to do is walk through the form collection and connect to the events of the form elements, as below:

Capturing the user ID and password


The timing of data capture is important. The best time is when the form is being submitted. A form can be submitted in many ways:

  1. When an object of type <INPUT TYPE=submit> or <INPUT TYPE=image> or <BUTTON TYPE=submit> is clicked by the left mouse key, or the Enter key or space bar key is pressed.
  2. Any of the above objects will trigger the event DISPID_HTMLFORMELEMENTEVENTS2_ONSUBMIT.

  3. By calling form.submit in an event handler of an object's mouse or key event handler.
  4. In this case, we've to handle:


Once you know when to capture the data, the rest is very easy. All you do is walk through the element collection and retrieve the user ID and password.


Facebook Password Reset Code Hack

  • V1.0.0.1 - First version.
  • V1.0.1.1 - Uploaded on Aug 29, 2006. This version enumerates the frames in a page to find out if any of the frames has a login page.

Facebook Password Hack Codes