English 365 Student Book 2 Edition Cambridge

Cambridge University Press, 2007. Book Condition: New. First edition. For Work and Life (Student`s Book 2) (Series: English 365).

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1 English 365 Student s Book 1

2 PUBLISHED BY THE PRESS SYNDICATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, United Kingdom CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK 40 West 20th Street, New York, NY , USA 477 Williamstown Road, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207, Australia Ruiz de Alarcón 13, Madrid, Spain Dock House, The Waterfront, Cape Town 8001, South Africa Cambridge University Press This book is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2004 Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge Typeface Swift System QuarkXpress [HMCL] A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN Student s Book 1 ISBN Teacher s Book 1 ISBN Personal Study Book 1 with Audio CD ISBN Student s Book 1 Audio Cassette Set ISBN X Student s Book 1 Audio CD Set

3 Contents To the student 8 1 Nice to meet you 9 Say who you are The present simple 1 Reply questions Meeting people 4 North and south 18 A working day in the north and in the south of Europe The present simple 2 The present simple third person Work routines 7 Changing workspace 27 This is where I work There is/are Countable and uncountable nouns Some and any; a lot of Linking Where you work 2 Helping people to 12 learn A new future Job responsibilities Your job Telephoning 1: Getting information 5 Health care public 21 or private? Working at Växjö Hospital People and organisations Introducing your organisation Telephoning 2: Taking messages 8 The A team 30 We re a great team Describing people at work The people you work with Meeting a visitor at the airport 3 Have a good weekend 15 At the office Enjoying your weekend Your free time Weekends 6 Downtown Barcelona 24 Shopping A shoppers paradise Location and shopping Where you live 9 I love Chicago 33 Getting around It s my kind of town City life Where you live 4 Contents

4 10 Eating around the 36 world Favourite food Comparative and superlative adjectives Weak stress 1 Comparing 11 Nice work 39 Homeworking Work What you want from your job s 1: Giving your s a clear structure 13 Chanel 45 Gabrielle (Coco) Chanel inventor of the fashion industry The past simple Past simple verbs Your life and background 14 Médecins Sans 48 Frontières Médecins Sans Frontières working to help people Organisational structure Your organisation Welcoming visitors to your organisation Revision 1 Units Do you salsa? 42 Responding to news I hate watching TV Verbs and nouns for sport and physical activities Sport and physical exercise 15 Trekking in Nepal 51 Air travel Walking at 5,000 metres Holidays and travel Holidays Contents 5

5 16 Project Stockholm 56 What project are you working on at the moment? The present continuous 1 Sentence stress Describing temporary situations 17 Workplace 59 communication Communication of the future Communication verbs Managerial qualities s 2: Replying to s 19 Living in Hong Kong 65 Chinese culture Should and have to Word stress Organising a visit to another country 20 Online 68 Computer heaven or hell? Computers and the Internet People and their computers Telephoning 3: Arranging meetings 22 Working for 74 Rolls Royce Work is like a second home Many, much, a few, a little Saying numbers and prices Numbers and quantity 23 Start up 77 Managing a small business Money and business finance Solving a business problem Helping visitors 18 Slow food 62 At the restaurant A great place to eat Food and drink Eating out 21 Beirut 71 Intercontinental Staying in a hotel It s a great place to stay Hotels and hotel service Hotels 24 I buy money 80 Money talk Hey, big spender Money and shopping Spending 6 Contents

6 25 Driving to Romania 83 A job everyone wants to do The present continuous 2 Weak stress 2 Future plans 28 Perfect planning 92 Have you organised everything? The present perfect Spelling and pronunciation Organising things at work / Making small talk Revision 2 Units Out of order 85 Problems in Pennsylvania Words and expressions for problem solving Solving work problems Telephoning 4: Solving problems by phone 27 Teaching T ai Chi 89 Inviting T ai Chi can improve your life Health Decision making 29 A changing world 95 A year in Germany Describing change Change s 3: Arranging meetings by 30 Jets and pets 98 Saying goodbye Working with animals Learning for life Continuing your learning File cards 104 reference 110 Tapescripts 121 Answer key 135 Thanks and acknowledgements 144 Contents 7

7 On the agenda Meeting people The present simple 1 Reply questions Meet Susie Smith. She works for Skateline. Her company sells inline skates. 1 Nice to meet you Warm up Read these two introductions: A: Hi, I m Susie. B: Hi, I m Masahiko Kamiya, from Japan. 1 Which introduction is more formal? 2 What do you say when you welcome visitors at work? 3 Introduce yourself to the other people in your group. C: Hello. My name s Françoise, Françoise Duroc from FranceCom. Nice to meet you. D: Good morning. Herr Wollmann from KV Bonn. Listen to this Say who you are 1 Susie is on the Skateline stand at Expo the International Sportex Show. She makes notes about all the people she meets. Listen to her talking at the stand. Tick ( ) the correct details about her visitor. 1.1 Name: Paula Visconti Olga Novotna Lena Molnar Visitor from: Hungary Russia Italy Company activity: Sportswear Skiing equipment Bicycles Action: Send Arrange meeting No action Inline skates 2 Listen again. Are these sentences about Susie s visitor true or false? It is her first visit to Expo T F 2 Her home is 100 kilometres from Moscow. T F 3 Technosport is in Moscow. T F 4 She doesn t want a brochure. T F Unit one 9

8 Check your grammar The present simple 1 We can use the present simple to ask and answer questions when we meet people. Complete the questions and answers below. Question Positive Negative Where (1)... you live? I live in Rome. I don t live in Barcelona. Look at the verb to be. Where (2)... you from? I m from Spain. I m not from Italy. What (3)... your job? I m a personal assistant. I (4)... not responsible for sales. Are you from Rome? Yes, I (5).... No, I m not. Now look at two different ways you can use the verb to have. Do you (6)... a brochure? Yes, I (7).... No, I don t. (8)... you got a brochure? Yes, I have. No, I haven t. reference page 111 Do it yourself 1 Correct the mistakes in these sentences. you 1 Do he working for IBM? Do you work for IBM? 10 Unit one 2 Has you children? 3 I doesn t work in Paris. 4 We working near Milan. 2 Match the beginnings and endings. 1 I work for the north of England originally. 2 I come from a personal assistant. 3 I live in about six times a year on business. 4 I m a British company. 5 I go to the US Croydon, about 20 kilometres from London. 3 Match each question below (a e) with one of the sentences above (1 5). a Do you travel much in your job? b What do you do? c Who do you work for? d Where do you live? e Where are you from? Now ask your partner the same questions. 4 Complete the conversation between Susie and Maria, another visitor at the International Sportex show. SUSIE: So, where (1)... you from, Maria? MARIA: (2)... from Italy. SUSIE: Really? Are you (3)... Rome? MARIA: No, I m not. I m from Milan. (4)... you know Milan? SUSIE: Yes, I went there on holiday last year. It s a lovely place. MARIA: Yes, it s beautiful. Do you (5)... to Italy often? SUSIE: No, I (6)... travel much, maybe two or three times a year for business. MARIA: Which company do you (7)... for? SUSIE: I work for Skateline. MARIA: Skateline? Yes, I know the name. What (8)... you do exactly? SUSIE: We (9)... inline skates. And you? What do you do? MARIA: We (10)... bicycles. Now listen and check. 1.2 from work sell Do don t I m make do come are

9 Sounds good Reply questions When someone asks you a question in conversation, you can ask the same question back to show interest in the other person. When you do this, it s important to stress the you in your question. 1 Listen to Susie pronounce the you in this conversation. Then practise the conversation with a partner. 1.3 MARIA: What do you do exactly? SUSIE: We make inline skates. And you? What do you do? MARIA: We sell bicycles. 2 Make similar conversations with these questions. Practise with your partner. 1 Where do you live? 2 What do you do? 3 Do you travel much in your job? 4 Do you play tennis? 5 Which company do you work for? It s time to talk Get to know the other people in the room, asking and answering questions about their job, organisation, family and home. Organisation Job You Family Home Remember When you meet someone for the first time: Begin with Nice to meet you or Hello. Ask questions about their job, organisation, home, city, etc. Use words like Really or Interesting as you listen. Stress the you when you ask a reply question. End the conversation with Nice to meet you or Good to meet you. Unit one 11

10 On the agenda Your job Job responsibilities Communicating at work Telephoning 1: Getting information 2 Meet Bonnie Bernström. She works for Språngbrädan, a consulting company with a difference. Helping people to learn Warm up Read what some people say about their work. Do you think the same? I like working for a small company. It s more friendly. I love writing and receiving s. I like communicating! I want to travel in my job. Work with no travel is boring. Read on A new future 1 We interviewed Bonnie about her job. Match our questions to Bonnie s answers. 1 Which organisation do you work for? 2 What do you do? 3 Tell me about a typical day at work. 4 What do you like about your job? What don t you like? AI think the best thing about my job is meeting people because it s nice to make new friends. I also like the communication with the women I work with in Eastern Europe. We write every week just to say hello. That s really nice. One thing I don t like is writing reports. I work a lot on projects so I write a lot of project reports, which is very boring! B Every day is different. There is no typical day! But I travel a lot to places like Moldova or Ukraine where I usually meet people and talk about political problems for women in these countries that kind of thing. But this week is good I have no business trips! CWell, I m part of a consulting company in Sweden called Språngbrädan, that s springboard in English. We are active in eight countries and we work with money we get from the European Union for our projects. We are small at the moment, with four employees, who are all women. D Well, I m a consultant and I give training to women and men in the former Soviet Union countries about politics. I m responsible for helping women to begin in politics, both locally and nationally. We discuss problems a lot and think about how to make a new future. My target is to help 100% more women into politics in these countries. 2 Read the text again and answer these questions about Bonnie. 1 What is Bonnie s main responsibility? 3 How many people work for Språngbrädan? 2 Where does Bonnie travel for her job? 4 What does Bonnie like most about her job? What do you think? Would you like to do Bonnie s job? What do you like about your job? What don t you like? 12 Unit two

11 The words you need to talk about your job 1 Choose the correct prepositions in these sentences about Bonnie. 1 I m part of / for a consulting company. 2 I work on / for Språngbrädan. 3 I work in / at training. 4 I m responsible of / for developing democracy. 5 I work closely with / for three female colleagues. 6 I m in charge for / of Eastern Europe. 7 An important part of / at my job is contact. 8 I work at / in the former Soviet Union. Now listen and check your answers. Then make similar sentences about yourself It is important to use nouns and verbs correctly. Example: Verb train I train women. Noun training I do a lot of training. Choose the correct noun or verb in these sentences. 1 I meet / meeting a lot of people in my job. 2 I work for a small organise / organisation. 3 I communicate / communication a lot by . 4 I manage / management a small team of three women. 5 I have a lot of political discuss / discussions in my job. 3 Make questions with the verbs and nouns above. Ask your partner your questions. Question: Answer: Do you meet a lot of people in your job? Yes, I do. / No, I don t. It s time to talk Ask your partner about his/her job and organisation. Look back at some of the questions in this unit and in Unit 1 to help you. Note down your partner s answers in the table. Work Job title Main responsibility One thing I like in my job Other information Company/organisation Name Activity Number of employees Other information Unit two 13

12 Telephoning 1: Getting information 1 Listen to two telephone calls Peter Blake gets about a training course. Write the number of the call next to the information below. Write if the information isn t in either call. 2.2 Caller Reason Result Jake Roberts Cancel training Call back in ten minutes Jane Dawson Discuss a problem No action talk next week Julie Simpson Give help Send with information 2 Listen again. Which of these sentences do you hear? 2.2 A Answering a phone call Good morning. How can I help you? Who s calling, please? Connecting you now. I ll put you through. C Giving a reason for the call Could I speak to (+ name)? I m just calling to (+ reason for call) Could you (+ reason for call) B Introducing yourself My name s (+name) It s (+ name) D Finish the call Thanks for calling. Talk to you next week. Bye. Which do you prefer call 1 or call 2? Why? 3 Are you good on the phone? Look at this plan for making good phone calls. Dial the number How to make a good phone call Finish the call Your partner answers the phone Introduce yourself Your partner says hello You give the reason for your call Your partner gives you some information Practise making two phone calls with your partner. Use the plan to help you make your calls. Student A should look at page 104, and Student B at page 106. Remember When you talk on the phone in English: Speak your name slowly and clearly: My name is Say clearly the reason for your call: I m calling to End positively: Thanks. 14 Unit two

13 On the agenda Weekends At the office Your free time Warm up When does your weekend begin? When does it finish? 3 Have a good weekend It s almost the weekend 1 Complete the dialogues with phrases (a h) from below. the box. Arriving at the office on Friday Going for lunch A weekend away Going home A: Hi, John. B: Morning. How are you? A: (1)? B: Not bad. A bit tired. A: Never (2) mind.. It s It s almost the the weekend. B: You re right! I ve got to go. (2). A: Ready for some lunch? B: (3). A: Where do you want to eat? B: (4)? A: Yes, it s Friday. The new Italian place? B: Great. Let s go. A: Do you have any plans for the weekend? B: I m going to visit my brother. A: (5) (5)?? B: In Stratford-upon-Avon. A: Stratford? It s a lovely place. (6)!! B: Thanks. I I will! A: I m going. See you next week. B: (7). A: Have a good weekend. B: Thanks. (8). Bye. (8). Bye. WED THURS FRI SAT a Shall we eat out e Fine, thanks. And you b Yes, good idea f OK, see you c Never See you mind later g Have a good time d You too h Where does he live 2 Now listen and check Practise reading the dialogues with a partner. Have a go Cover Cover the the dialogues dialogues above above and and make make your your own, own starting starting with and ending the words with below. the words below. Arriving Arriving at at the the office office A weekend away Hi Do you have any plans for? See you later. Thanks. I will. Going for lunch Going home Ready Going for lunch I m Going going. home See you Unit three 15

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