Creating an MFC Application MFC Application Wizard. Download now MFC Application. The MFC Application Wizard generates an application that. Visual C++ Video Tutorial For. Visual C++/MFC tutorial exploring different. Tutorial but if you are a beginner then you should download this video tutorial.
-->The MFC Application Wizard generates an application that, when compiled, implements the basic features of a Windows executable (.exe) application. The MFC starter application includes C++ source (.cpp) files, resource (.rc) files, header (.h) files, and a project (.vcxproj) file. The code that is generated in these starter files is based on MFC.
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Depending on the options that you select, the wizard creates additional files in your project. For example, if you select Context-sensitive help on the Advanced Features page, the wizard creates the files that are necessary to compile the project's Help files. For more information about the files that the wizard creates, see File Types Created for Visual Studio C++ projects, and see the Readme.txt file in the project.
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This wizard page describes the current application settings for the MFC application that you are creating. By default, the wizard creates a project as follows:
The project is created with tabbed multiple-document interface (MDI) support. For more information, see SDI and MDI.
The project uses the Document/View Architecture.
The project uses Unicode libraries.
The project is created using the Visual Studio project style and enables visual style switching.
The project uses MFC in a shared DLL. For more information, see Create C/C++ DLLs in Visual Studio.
- The project provides no support for compound documents.
- The project uses the project name for the default document template strings.
- The project provides no support for databases.
- The project implements standard Windows user interface features such as a system menu, a status bar, maximize and minimize boxes, an About box, a standard menu bar and docking toolbar, and child frames.
The project supports printing and print preview.
The project supports ActiveX controls. For more information, see Sequence of Operations for Creating ActiveX Controls.
The project provides no support for Automation, MAPI, Windows Sockets, or Active Accessibility.
The project supports an Explorer docking pane, an Output docking pane, and a Properties docking pane.
The project's view class is derived from the CView Class.
The project's application class is derived from the CWinAppEx Class.
The project's document class is derived from the CDocument Class.
The project's main frame class is derived from the CMDIFrameWndEx Class.
The project's child frame class is derived from the CMDIChildWndEx Class.
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To change these default settings, click the appropriate tab title in the left column of the wizard and make the changes on the page that appears.
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After you create an MFC application project, you can add objects or controls to your project using Visual C++ code wizards.
See also
Video Player Mfc Application
Creating an MFC Application
MFC Desktop Applications
Using the Classes to Write Applications for Windows